6 in stock
A rare drying variety grown for its white beans which have a wonderful creamy texture and are the perfect size for baked-beans. The plants are quick to mature and high yielding.
This variety was bred in the 1970s by renowned British bean breeder Professor Colin Leakey, at a time when there was interest in growing haricot beans commercially in the UK. The aim was to replace the imported beans used in baked beans by varieties suited to the UK climate, and ‘Generatif’ was reputedly highly rated by both by Heinz and Raymond Blanc! Professor Leakey was passionate about the nutritional value of beans and bred varieties for countries all over the world. His far-sighted ideas are becoming increasingly relevant today.
Approx. 50 seeds.
Botanical name: Phaseolus vulgaris
For the best start, sow in modules undercover in late April and plant out 20-25cm apart each way when danger of frost has passed. Alternatively sow direct outside in warm areas. The bushy plants grow about 25cm tall – insert a few twiggy sticks to keep the pods off the ground if needed. Harvest August/September.